Volunteer Groups
Looking for volunteer opportunities for your church, school, or company? Consider volunteering on a Syracuse Habitat build! Many local companies have scheduled corporate team build days with Syracuse Habitat for Humanity. Church and college groups have also used volunteering with Syracuse Habitat as a great community outreach project or team builder. We would love to work with your organization!
Group and Corporate Donations
We ask that our corporate teams and other groups consider a donation of $50 per person per day to help cover the cost of the materials used. This donation also ensures that your group gets priority scheduling. We know that the time you donate on the build is valuable, and we know that you and Syracuse Habitat for Humanity are working toward the same goal — to provide a home for a deserving family. So please keep in mind that the money that your group donates helps us all move that much closer to achieving that shared vision: a home for a family.
For our corporate groups, depending on the size of the donation, there may be additional promotional incentives that Syracuse Habitat for Humanity can provide (e.g., your logo on our website or an article in our Harbinger Newsletter). For more information, visit the Corporate Giving page.
To discuss group volunteering in more detail, please call our office or email Bill Dolan at bill@syracusehabitat.org