Home Dedication - Aubri Lanier

“It’s really a true blessing, and I’m proud of myself and everybody that helped me." Aubri says, "And thank you everybody who helped; and I love my parents to death, and I annoy them every day. It’s really, really, a blessing, and I can’t believe this moment right now.”
Syracuse Habitat’s newest homeowner Aubri Lanier, shown in the far left of the picture, recently celebrated her Home Dedication Ceremony on June 3, 2018. The Home Dedication is one of the best parts of the job, the day where family, friends, and the community come together to celebrate the new homeowner and the accomplishments of the wonderful groups of volunteers who made our home building and renovating possible.
As Executive Director, Suzanne Williams, noted at the Home Dedication, “This is what really makes this so special – to be able to look around and see family members and friends and people who are so dedicated to this organization and to doing God’s work.” Indeed, Aubri’s home was just about full to capacity with family, friends, loved ones, and Syracuse Habitat volunteers and staff celebrating her accomplishments. A true testament of Aubri's remarkable character and the way Habitat creates resilient communities.

Aubri’s step-grandfather, Pastor Holloman, gave
the opening prayer, as well as performed the blessing and dedication of the house. He anointed each doorway, while members of the crowd sang beautiful hymns.
Felicia Graham, a close family friend and also a Habitat Homeowner, presented Aubri with a gift of a Bible from Syracuse Habitat, a tradition at Home Dedication ceremonies.
Suzanne thanked everyone that supported the project, in particular thanking Mary Robinson, Chief Executive Officer of Habitat for Humanity NYS, and her family, for joining us, as well as a special thank you to Ray Leach and his late wife Barbara. Ray and Barbara were 2 of the founders of S.W.E.A.T., who initially built the house in 2001. Therefore, it was amazing to have Ray with us to celebrate the house’s new life as a home for Aubri and her daughter, Brelynn.
Aubri summed it up best; “It’s a special moment because I was two when my parents bought their [Habitat] home, and now Brelynn was two when we moved in, so it’s a really special moment and a great accomplishment. And thank you to everyone who’s here and helping.”
Aubri, we are excited for this next chapter of your and Brelynn's life. We'll be in the front row watching all of your accomplishments!